
Why praying will do jack shit for your porn addiction.

By January 9, 2023 No Comments
It's time to take the matter into your own hands rather than your dick every night. That's right. It's time for a change.

Recently, I’ve some seen the twitter sphere going at it again. These people keep sharing advice that sounds cool but that has never been tested. They only care about engagement, not what actually helps people.

So let’s take a look at the latest trend where people are urged to pray when they are abusing porn. It should be quite obvious to any person with 2 working brain cells that will never work. Sadly enough, most people have the critical thinking abilities of a peanut.

So why wouldn’t it help to pray when struggling with porn? Well, I mentioned the first reason numerous times on twitter already. It DOESN’T address the ROOT CAUSE. Praying for help with your porn issues is just as effective as praying when you got a flat tire because of a nail.

You can pray forever but what does it change? Nothing. and this brings me to the second issue. A lot of people pray because they are hoping. Hoping for a lot of money, hoping for a miracle, hoping for their porn issues to disappear overnight. It’s a futile endeavor.

Because hoping is always a losing strategy. It’ll never work. You’ll go between feeling frustrated and hoping again. It’s a self- destructive cycle. It’s a sign that you are not strong enough to take the matter in your own hands.

The only way to solve this is to realize that your bad habits are the issue. More specific the habits you have when feeling pain/negative feelings. Not the porn, not the dopamine, not any other bullshit reason. YOU are the reason you struggle with porn. So YOU can solve this.

Realizing this makes you a lot more powerful because there are some snake oil salesman out there that prey on the weak, triggering your pain points to take all your money. It’s 2023, stop hoping. Start figuring your stuff out.

You have free will. So stop being weak by choice. Choose to be strong and take the bull by the horns Figure out this porn issue once and for all and see your life skyrocket from there.

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