
On true freedom and personal responsibility.

By December 8, 2021 No Comments

Recently a lot of people have been screaming that they want freedom.

But that doesn’t mean these people actually deserve freedom.

Nor are they going to get it for free.

Because in order to achieve true freedom we need to take responsibility.

You can’t have one. It’s either both or none.

And this is where our modern day problem lies.

People want one but not the other.

They want the freedom without having to take responsibility.

Simply because the idea of it sounds amazing, the reality is though, that most of those people would just end up harming themselves or others.

Most of those adults are like 5- year old kids.

And, let’s be honest, nobody would give a 5- year old the complete freedom to do what they want.


Because they’re too irresponsible.

They listen to others, end up in a worse situation to then blame the people they listened to.

But, in the end, they were the ones that decided to listen and act upon it.

They are the sources of their own misery because they never take responsibility for their own actions.

Even if those actions were based upon theĀ  advice of others.

So when you lack personal responsibility, you are like a incompetent 5- year old that relies on

  • governments to govern you.
  • employers to employ you.
  • out of shape health experts for health advice.
  • celebrities to tell you what to think and how to feel.\
  • and so on

And because of that, you will never be able to achieve real freedom.

Simply because you have a slave mentality.

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