
Why meditation will fuel your porn addiction.

By January 10, 2023 2 Comments
It's time to take the matter into your own hands rather than your dick every night. That's right. It's time for a change.

Yesterday I talked about why praying won’t help with your porn issues. I suggest you check it out here. Today I want to talk about another technique that gets pushed around a lot on mainstream media. Meditation.

The pink elephant in the room.

I’ve talked about meditation in the past and it has only gotten bigger since. The issue with this method is similar to all mainstream methods, it never addresses the root cause so it will never solve the issue. The only issue is that with meditation there is something else that makes this method even less suitable.

Meditation pours gasoline on the fire, it only makes the issue worse. Let me explain. The mainstream argument for meditation is that you sit down and meditate whenever porn urges occur. You try to think about something else or try to avoid thinking about porn.

Now all of this sounds nice on paper but with this method you do the opposite of what it is intended to do. Imagine I ask you to sit down and not think about pink elephants. How long does it take before you start thinking about pink elephants?

Not that long right…?! So instead of trying solving the issue, you make it worse. A lot worse, because you’re feeding your urges now more. This obviously results in the abuse of porn again. So what is the alternative? Since none of the mainstream methods work.

A better alternative.

So what is the alternative? Addressing the root cause of course. The root cause is that you’re running away from pain. The majority of the time it’s boredom that drives guys to porn, it could be frustration because they’re bad with women, it could be loneliness,… There options are endless.

So it’s basically a bad habit of dealing with ‘negative emotions’. That’s it. With this you should be able to solve the issue by yourself.

With every other method, you should ask yourself if the method addresses the root cause. If not, I’d stay far away from it before you make the habit even worse.

Just my 2 cents.

I can help you get rid of this porn problem easily. I’m giving a 17% discount for the next 8 people who buy this course.

Use the code “PD17” at the checkout. Offer lasts as until 8 courses have been sold. You can buy the course on GUMROAD.

until next time


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  • Rick says:

    Meditation does not mean avoiding anything… It means recognising its presence in mind and focussing back to some work or breath..mind will wander again.. Repetitions of the same.. With Practice and time.. We start recognising addictions presence and dissociation of us from it.

    • Alex says:

      It has been promoted as such when it comes to tackling porn. but I understand what you are saying. Reflecting and being present is what helps you with addiction.

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