
Your misery makes some people a lot of money.

By November 29, 2019 October 24th, 2022 No Comments

It’s a sad reality but people can earn a lot of money based on your misery. It’s so easy these days to get access to people since most people use social media to compare themselves to other people. They want to see how other people are better than them. But then out of nowhere (hint: it was the algorithm), they get this ad from some guru who claims to be able to rock your life. Well, rock your life for a certain prize of course. It’s mostly way too expensive for what it is since a lot of them underperform big time. There’s just one issue, there’s no money-back guarantee and the fact that it didn’t work for you is entirely your fault. You should have listened! But is you not listening to the real issue here or is it that you were just scammed like so many other people.

Chances are that it is the latter because most gurus use a pyramid scheme. So let’s stop wasting time and dive into it.

Your misery and the pyramid scheme.

Recently I read a book called “The Millionaire Fastlane” (amazing read, buy it here) and there was an interesting quote in the book that goes as follows. When a millionaire tells you how to get rich you better listen but he’s a scam artist when he got rich by teaching other people to get rich. This is where the pyramid scheme comes in. It all looks very promising on the outside because they live the dream (allegedly) and flaunt their wealth. The reality is that they’re not that wealthy as they claim to be. It’s part of the marketing scheme to hit you where it hurts the most. It’s all about getting you to react to make sure that you buy an overpriced coaching program. They tell you this: “your life sucks and mine doesn’t but I can teach you how to live like me”.

But those people’s lives might suck as well. They’re just good at acting without ever getting an oscar. Aside from that, they’re chasing people and money. That’s the only way they get income so I can imagine they’re pretty anxious when they’re not having the success of recruiting clients. Their money runs out at some point but they have to keep up with the luxury lifestyle. This alone sounds horrible.

Live like them?

I mean would you buy a coaching program if you knew that your guru made money by telling people to do the same thing aka act rich and then charge a huge amount of money to share your “secrets”?! You need to scam a huge amount of people before you’re rich. These people have nothing to offer although that’s the opposite of what they claim of course.

Others get rich by investing in houses but then start a blog and claim that the blog made them all the money. They then sell you an overpriced book or course on how to get rich by using a blog. Don’t forget to be extremely patient and not get the results you expected because guess what. You might hate your life and your job but there is still no short cut to get wealthy unless you inherit a lot of money (you’re a miserable lazy fuck if you wait on that) or winning the lottery but that’ll ruin your life forever.

Your misery and life coaches.

I can keep this pretty short. How can one claim to be a life coach? Most of those people are like in their 20’s. How can a 20-year-old have figured out life why so many smart people in their 70’s still have burning unresolved questions? It makes you wonder right! It’s a scam. Maybe these people have read way too much “dream, believe, achieve” books.

Your misery and self-love gurus.

Every self-love coach/guru is the same: preach self-love to get love from others to feel better about themselves just because they hate who they are (with good reason). I got some heat when I shared this quote on Instagram but I stand by this and the following up quote. “You can’t teach what you haven’t mastered yet”. These coaches are very good at makes you feel miserable when they want to sell you something and then give you all the highs when you’re coached by them. They’re like drug dealers and they remain in charge. They give you the highs and you give them the highlights because of all your positive reviews.

Also who buys into that “the universe is sending you good vibes today” or “This is gonna happen. I read it in the cards today.” They pick a random card and give meaning to it. In 10 years they’ll claim they can fly on a broom and ride dragons. Don’t fall into this trap, self- love is a tricky matter and requires time to get to that point. A 3-month coaching program that costs 6000 dollars won’t get you there.

This free blog on the art of loving thyself, on the other hand, might help you big time.

Your misery and mentors.

Mentors are an important part of life and at one point you should invest in them. Just make sure that you invest in a person that makes you your money back plus more. Otherwise, it’ll be a very expensive lesson. Do you research before you actually invest but deep down inside you’ll know when you’re talking to a guru and the real deal! It’s all about following your gut feeling.

Till next time


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