
Don’t compare your timeline to anyone else’s.

By November 6, 2018 March 1st, 2020 No Comments
Did you ever compare your timeline to someone else's? of course, you have. Everybody has done it. But should you do it? I hope you realize the answer is no?

Did you ever compare your timeline to someone else’s? of course, you have. Everybody has done it. We all like to focus on what people have and what we don’t have but want. But we’re not those people. Our lives go at completely different paces and you’ll just have to accept it. I have 2 great friends and one of them is married and the other is already a dad. I’m still single and childless but I do have MMA, my blog and my solo trip to Sweden which kicked ass. The idea for this blog came up to me when I came back from Stockholm. I quickly saw my good friends again and one of them told me that he would want to do something similar but couldn’t due to his relation.

This surprised me, to be honest. I mean I never assumed that somebody would compare himself to my timeline because I’m not really where I want to be. This is just the beginning. Anyways this is just proof that people always want what they can’t get or always focus on what they don’t have. Well he’s happy in his relationship but you can’t have it all and that’s something that he realized in that instance. 

Don’t compare your timeline to anyone else’s.

Now take a look at your timeline. Where are you right now? What are your responsibilities? Would you make your 18-year-old version of you proud? All hard questions to answer. You might be in a relationship with children or still single with all your friends who’re settling down. Let’s focus on the latter since those people are easier to describe. Those people all waste a shit ton of time complaining about the fact that they can’t find anyone (really attractive if you ask me). They’re victims and can’t get out of this mindset. That mindset will never get them set! But that’s because they’re focusing on other people’s timelines.

Focus on yourself! You have a timeline as well!

Why don’t you focus on your life right now? Sure you’re single but why the rush? You might meet someone great within 10 minutes or maybe next month or next year. Yeah yeah, I get it, you want it right now but why don’t you use your time more useful right now?

Be selfish in a good way. Focus on yourself on no one else. Start writing your goals down and crush them one by one. Get in shape and get that summer body you’ve always wanted. Do what you always wanted to do and go for it. I mean why do you think that I traveled on my own to Sweden? I don’t have to answer to anybody so I just do what I want without hurting other people. Chances are that I travel to Thailand in the summer of 2019 to train, live and fight there for 2 months. It’s on the goal list so I want to make it happen.

Don’t compare your timeline to anyone else’s. Build a solid foundation.

People don’t get this but I’m building up my timeline. I might not have things that they have already achieved (stuff like living together with a girlfriend/wife, having children…). But I’m going to add those things to my timeline as well. Make no doubt about it. Right now I’ve established a solid foundation. I know what I want in life, found inner peace, can be perfectly on my own, get up at 6 am every morning and so on. Most of them might not have those things when they settled but they’ll achieve such things in the future and I’ll achieve things that they’ve already achieved. In the end, it doesn’t matter when you achieve it. What matters is that you achieve it.

So stop focussing on others’ achievements and focus on what you have right now. Learn how they achieved their things and learn them how you achieved your things. In that way, everybody can get a better future. That’s what strong people do, they climb the ladder and pull someone else up. They each one and they teach one.

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Till next time





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