
Zero To Alpha Wisdom #10: On teachers and trainers

By February 5, 2024 February 26th, 2024 No Comments

There is a common complaint people have when coming to train Muay Thai in Thailand. ‘They’re not teaching me anything’.

In some cases, there’s actual truth in this statement. In other cases, not so much. Some trainers here will teach you without explaining what they’re teaching. Not because they can’t explain it, but simply because of the language barrier.

Most Thai trainers aren’t fluent in English, and they definitely don’t know the Muay Thai vocabulary in English.

The issue is a lack of knowledge, not only in Muay Thai terminology but also in understanding the sport as a whole. Aside from that, people don’t realize the difference between teachers and trainers.

Not knowing that leads to a lot of people being very confused. Hence, I picked it as a topic.

The difference between teachers and trainers.

A good teacher can be a good trainer. But a good trainer isn’t necessarily a good teacher.

Most people consider everyone to be a trainer, and that is a huge mistake. So what’s the difference?

Trainers are everywhere; you can literally find them in any sport. They’ll give you a workout, a good sweat, some motivational speeches during your workout, and a high five at the end. They make you sweat and suffer, but they don’t teach you anything.

In some cases, this isn’t necessary. Anyone can do a HIIT session on an airdyne bike. It’s a whole different story when it comes to Muay Thai or any other sport that requires skill, though.

Muay Thai requires good technique and an understanding of the different ranges, plus you need to understand the philosophy behind the style you’re learning.

A Muay Femur (technician) and a Muay Khao fighter (clinch, knee fighter) need to be trained in a different way. This is why you need to find a good teacher to teach you the style.

Not having a good teacher will result in you relying on physicality or brute strength to win fights. This will result in you taking way too much damage along the way, with long-lasting consequences. In other sports, they will lead to unnecessary injuries.

This is why having teachers is so important. They’ll tell you the things you might not want to hear. They will tell you that your technique is lacking or that you aren’t ready. They aren’t yes-man like trainers.

They’re not there to make you feel better; they’re there to make you better. And this is why you should invest time in finding good teachers. You’ll accelerate your learning process.

Find good teachers, not trainers. You’ll thank me down the road for it.

On training and fighting in Thailand

Thinking about coming to train or fight in Thailand? Like mentioned before, not learning about the culture is one of the biggest mistakes you could make.

That is why I wrote my e-book to fully prepare you for your upcoming trip. You can buy it here.

Struggling with porn?

Porn keeps poisoning young men, and most don’t know how to stop using it.

The mainstream methods out there never tackle the root cause, only to make young men frustrated and relapse over and over again.

You could keep doing this over and over again, or you could use a method that gets you off porn in two weeks.

The choice is yours.

Get my porn detox course here.

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram.

Until next time.




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