
Rock bottom ain’t a bad place…

By November 14, 2019 March 1st, 2020 No Comments
Rock Bottom

Rock bottom ain’t a bad place… People will assume I’m crazy for saying this but I stand by the quote. Rock bottom ain’t a bad place if you want to rebuild your life. It’s a tricky place to be at because things can go south easily but hear me out on this one. I’ve got multiple reasons to say this and maybe you’ll feel the same after you’ve read this blog. In the end, you can only understand what I’m about to say if you’ve been through what I’m about to say or read and reflect on what I say. Judging this post won’t help you. It’s easy to feel sorry for yourself at that dark place but it’s not worth it. You’re in a great spot and you don’t even realize it. Maybe it’s time to turn shit into sugar instead of feeling like shit all the time?!

Let’s dive into it.

Rock bottom ain’t a bad place… I’ve been there.

I remember when I hit rock bottom. I assumed my life was over since it seems like a shitty place when you’re there. At that point, nobody believed in me anymore, even I had lost all confidence in myself. Everything I attempted failed and I got a lot of shit for those events. Aside from that, I was living in the past so I was completely depressed and eventually turned suicidal. Rock bottom seemed to be where it was going to end for me. And now 3 and half years after all those events, I can honestly tell you that rock bottom was the best thing that happened to me.

Rock bottom ain’t a bad place because…

It’s not a bad place because it’s the perfect place to turn your whole life around. Just think about. How many people do you know that is completely miserable? I know a couple of them and I can also tell you that there not aware of it. Sometimes subtle behaviors will give away that people are unhappy but these people never take action to change their life. Why is that? It doesn’t make sense right?!

Comfort is never good.

It’s because they’re comfortable in their misery. They complain and get attention, they can numb the pain with pills, alcohol, put on a facade on social media (#livinlavidaloca #happyme #tbtobettertimes), complain to others about life and so on. This passivity will hurt them in the long run but the pain required to make a change isn’t greater than the pain required to remain the same. The fact that they can dull the pain and that most people live like them gives them the feeling they’re normal and part of the group. That’s the biggest issue, so many people live like this so it becomes the norm. Life sucks but you’re ok because of all of the distractions you’ve got available in this world.

Also, why would you change your life if other people have it worse than you? You’re not at the top but not at the bottom either so you’re happy.

Rock bottom ain’t a bad place if you don’t allow it.

So that takes us to the people who hit rock bottom and become aware of the fact that their actions lead to this moment. Remember events just are. They’re never good or bad. You just want to give meaning to them. Rock bottom is a series of choices that led took you to this exact moment. Everybody might think you’re a loser, you might think you’re a loser and you know what?! It’s fucking great! This is the perfect place to rebuild your life from scratch. Just think about it, nobody (not even you) has any expectations of you. Everybody will smile at you but deep down they’ll think your life is over. Well, it isn’t over because it’s better to build on a good foundation than on weak foundations.

Being at the bottom means that you’re at a great place. You’ll only be able to realize this if you take the right actions and look back on your life later on.

From the bottom to the top.

I have no clue what your dreams/goals/aspirations are but they’re still possible if you’re alive. It’s time that you reinvent yourself and start tackling those goals. I can guarantee you that people who start from the bottom will achieve more than the ones who think they’re ahead.

Till next time



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