
All you need is just a little patience

By March 11, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments
Have you ever heard of patience? You probably haven't since most people don't have it. People want instant gratification and forget about the long-term frustration. Or they don't realize that it'll lead to long-term frustration. Which is extremely sad if you ask me.

Have you ever heard of patience? You probably haven’t since most people don’t have it. People want instant gratification and forget about long-term frustration. Or they don’t realize that it’ll lead to long-term frustration. Which is extremely sad if you ask me. People mostly have tons of high expectations about what they’re going to achieve but they’re not patient enough to get after it. We’re just living in a generation that can’t resist temptation. But I get it. There’s temptation everywhere these days and I mean everywhere but why do so many people give in to the temptation? Because they’re the ones who create the temptation of course. 

All you need is just a little patience.

So people create their temptation? Yes, they do. Here’s an easy example. Imagine that you scored a date on Tinder. The date goes great but somehow doubt creeps in. What do you do? Well, most people would swipe their troubles away. Maybe score a one night stand only to realize that their original date was just occupied.

The same goes for people who’re on a diet. How can you start a diet if your house is full of unhealthy food? You’ll probably give in to it as soon as you hit a setback.

My favorite one is the people who’re suddenly crazy ambitious and work for 5 seconds. They suddenly give in to a sudden distraction and claim that they don’t want it anymore. How can you even know that you don’t want it anymore after 5 seconds? That’s just crazy! But I get it. You’re craving comfort a lot more than you’re craving for whatever you claimed you wanted. You might not be able to admit it but deep down inside you know that it’s true.

Are you getting where I’m going?

It doesn’t matter what you want but what matters is that you’re patient. I mean how can you expect results if you’re constantly shifting between projects? Well, shifting isn’t even the right word since you’re just a quitter. You quit in everything that you do and you’re making a joke out of yourself. Why would you ever quit? Because you hit a setback? The fact that you quit tells a lot about you.

Let me inject some wisdom in your head. You’re going to fail tons of times in everything that you try. You’re going to face tons of adversity but you can get what you want if you’re patient enough. It’s all about one simple question: how badly do you want it?

All you need is just a little patience.


Take it slow, and it’ll work itself out fine. All we need is just a little patience and some hard work of course. Being patient while you’re doing nothing will lead to nothing. Don’t be delusional. Work your butt off but do it smartly and be patient all along the line. Your time will come. It happens when it happens. It’s that easy. Oh and don’t be an egocentric asshole while you wait. Nobody likes impatient people.

In conclusion: The best things in life don’t come easy and this applies to everything. Whether it’s in dating or in crushing goals, you’ll have to be patient. Things that come easy are always cursed.

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Till next time




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