
Say hello to the generation that can’t resist temptation.

By March 4, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments

Say hello to the generation that can’t resist temptation. You can acknowledge right here and right now that I’m right or you could say that I’m wrong because you’re one of the few that can say no to temptation. But most people can’t. They’re like cavemen who saw fire for the very first time. They get completely absorbed in some dumb thing that suddenly eases their mind. This might be fun in the short run but it’ll hurt you in the long run. These people are mostly going backward in life. This means that they get dumber over time without even realizing it. It’s a sad reality that most people will face. Just look at some grown-ups. They might be grown-ups according to society but they’re fuck ups in reality.

These people are often professionals at wasting time but they suck at accomplishing things. It’s hard to waste time and accomplish things, that’s just impossible. Well, Clint Eastwood was right, we’re living in a pussy generation.

Say hello to the generation that can’t resist temptation: the phone

Well, it’s safe to say that your phone can ruin your life! There should be a term for this kind of behavior. Something like binge phoning. Sounds legit if you ask me. Most people are constantly staring at their phones and waiting to get a notification or a new message. They all know that it’s not the right behavior but they forget about it as soon as their screen lights up. They get caught up in the moment and waste tons of hours doing nothing. It seems like a way to escape your reality if you ask me. You’re just bored (which is crazy) and you’re looking for a way to kill time.

It’s even worse when you sacrifice sleep to spend time on your phone. It’s a dangerous tool since you’ve got access to the internet 24/7. Nobody ever got better by spending a significant amount of time on their phone. It’ll probably take some time before you even realize this. If you ever realize it of course.

Say hello to the generation that can’t resist temptation: sex

This is a tricky one because people are weird when it comes to this. We’re living in a generation that doesn’t want a relationship and therefore lives in frustration. The sad part is that people want it. A lot of people fuck around chasing a feeling that they’ll never experience until they’re back in a loving relationship. But it’s better to mingle when you’re single right? I honestly don’t think so. Your time when your single can be used a lot more productive.

People who fuck around are mostly frustrated and they feel extremely empty. They’ll only feel emptier the more they fuck around. It might be easy to bang every easy girl that crosses your path but I don’t see the point in doing it. Your self- worth shouldn’t be bound to the fact that you’re scoring girls. Plus it’s not a challenge so what’s the point? Oh, wait I get it. People who can’t resist temptation mostly like things that come easily to them. Well, I’m glad that that’s cleared out but I’m also glad that I’m not a part of this group. I can’t appreciate the things that I don’t have to work for. It’s a mindset thing.

Temptation: What’s in a name?

People give in to temptation way too easily. But why? It isn’t fulfilling in the long run and they know it. Maybe you should try to increase your willpower because you’re not very strong in this aspect. Or you’re doing the wrong things. Because I guess that it’s easy to give in to temptation if you’re doing something that you don’t like. Most people highlight of the day is the fact that they could check their phone for 5 minutes in the bathroom in their job multiple times a day.

Enter the mouse, the lion, and the antelope.

People like to win small but they’ll lose big overtime and they don’t get it. They want instant gratification but that’ll turn into long-term frustration. So here’s the fable of the mouse, the lion, and the antelope.

The lion dwells on the African plains and is the predator-par-excellence. He can hunt almost any beast, striking them down with their powerful claws and teeth.

Now, a lion can pursue, capture, kill and eat a field-mouse – of which there are plenty bustling around the plains. However, the energy required to do this is greater than the calories contained in the little mammal.

So if a lion spent his whole day hunting and eating the easy mice, it would slowly starve to death.

Instead, the lion must hunt the antelope. These are much harder beasts to capture and require more speed and strength to capture and kill. Once this task is complete, however, they provide an energy-rich meal for the lion and his pride – allowing them to grow and plan the next hunt.

Mice are easy, and provide the illusion of a small win – but are effectively killing the lion.

Antelope are difficult and require investment, planning, and effort – but allow for growth and a bigger future.

Welcome to temptation island.

You’re like the lion who’s hunting mice if you’re constantly giving in to temptation. You’re slowly killing yourself and you probably don’t even realize it. Most people don’t realize that society is full of these mice traps. Netflix and chill don’t pay a bill but it does kill. People don’t seem to get it. Sure it’s a lot harder to catch the antelope in life but how long can you put up an act like this? How long can you keep on lying to yourself? Why don’t you face your reality instead of escaping it?! You can’t live like this forever. Your constant quest to stay in your comfort zone will turn into torture over time.

Find your purpose in life and go get after it! Stop hunting mice and start tackling some real goals. It’s up to you now. You know what you’ve got to do. The question that now arises is what you’ll do with it. Are you going to take action or are you going to give in to temptation once again? Make the right choice since choices shape your life whether you like it or not.

Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.

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Till next time





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