
Why you should control your inner bitch

By April 26, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments
Are you aware of the fact that we all have an inner bitch? I hope you do because otherwise, you've got a long way to go. Well maybe you realize it but don't call it that way which is fine. So what is your inner bitch you ask? It's the voice in your head that's craving for comfort.

Are you aware of the fact that we all have an inner bitch? I hope you do because otherwise, you’ve got a long way to go. Well maybe you realize it but don’t call it that way which is fine. So what is your inner bitch you ask? It’s the voice in your head that’s craving for comfort. The voice that tells you that you’re tired or that it’s too hot. It’s hard to resist that inner voice but you should resist it because you’ll get lazier over time if you keep on doing it. It’ll become a habit and it’s not a good habit, right? Well, you know that it’s not a good habit but that voice is telling you to keep doing what you’re doing, which might be watching tons of television shows or something like that.

It doesn’t matter what it is. What matters is that you’re in control. You need to use the most powerful supplement on earth and that’s your brain.

Why you should control your inner bitch.

So this Sunday I had a grappling session in the morning. I came home ate some food, hopped on my bike and went to a buddy of mine to help fix his garden. I arrived after a 20 min bike ride and we cleaned the garden for an hour or 2. It was really warm so you got tired pretty quickly. I went home on my bike and I wanted to do a calisthenics session. But it was hot and I was tired. I had more reasons to not do it than to do it. It’s true.

You can come up with tons of excuses to not do something but how many reasons can you find to do it? Mostly one. I did the workout and I added one extra set to every exercise just to push myself to the limit.

Was I tired? Absolutely. Was I satisfied? Hell yes.

Where does the inner bitch come from?

The answer is pretty easy. People love comfort. Just look at our society. It’s normal if you’re not able to get out of your comfort zone. Most people can’t do it. So you’re already standing out if you can control that little voice in your head. You’re standing in your way and you’re undermining your potential. That’s sad right? You’re getting in your way and you don’t even get it. You accept it and do nothing. But it doesn’t have to stay like this. Get up next time you don’t feel like it. Do that extra mile when you’re running or just start running.

It doesn’t take a lot to make your life better but you need to shut down that voice. Shut down the voice and get after it. Make a decision and never second guess it. That’s it.

Can it be that easy? Yes, it can!

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Till next time




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