
The only thing that’s impossible in life is….

By April 9, 2018 February 29th, 2020 No Comments
There’s only one thing that’s impossible in life. Well, there are actually two things impossible since you’ll never own a dinosaur as a pet. You’re disappointed but I had the same feeling when I heard the news that I couldn’t own

There’s only one thing that’s impossible in life. Well, there are two things impossible since you’ll never own a dinosaur as a pet. You’re disappointed but I had the same feeling when I heard the news that I couldn’t own a dinosaur. But what’s impossible? Can you name something that sounds impossible in your opinion? The answer is plain and simple, the only impossible thing is to beat a person that doesn’t want to give up. It’s impossible those. They have such a strong self- belief that you’re drawn to them. They make you relive all your childhood dreams.

There’s only one difference between you and them: they just do it. Those people believe that nobody can beat them and they make it all come true. They make all the sacrifices to make things come true. They make anything seem possible because, in the end, nothing is impossible. People just make life so much harder than it is. There’s no need to do it but it’s what again 99% of the people are guilty of. They all turn things into rocket science.

Nothing is impossible

Remember when I talked about Mediations (the famous book written by Marcus Aurelius)? The book was written before Christ and even he didn’t believe in talent. He also thought that nothing was impossible if you just put in the time and the work. Robert Greene his book “Mastery” is another great example of the fact that humans are capable of doing anything.

Most people claim that talent does exist but you’re denying the hard work that others put in. It’s not only that but also the fact that you’re too afraid to do something yourself. You’re just easing your mind and accepting the fact that you’re lazy. Nobody just wants to hear that they’re lazy. Why are you putting self- imposed limits on yourself? To reach a point where you’re about to die and die with nothing but regret? Sounds like hell if you ask me!

In conclusion: Stop bitching and start working.

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