
ZTA podcast #15: do this instead of chasing women!

By November 26, 2018 No Comments
stop chasing women!

Stop chasing women! Well with that being said I can officially welcome you to the Zero To Alpha podcast. The vision behind this podcast is pretty damn easy: there are a lot of rules in life and people seem to be lost these days. Alex is here to help you along the way to find yourself but also to find meaning in life. It doesn’t matter where you’re at in life, this podcast will help you as long as you’re willing to be open-minded and put in the work. There will be solo episodes and episodes with guests who’ve found or are still trying to find a meaning to life.

So it basically means that you should break the rules and beat the fools.

Podcast introduction: stop chasing women!

Chasing women is something most us do or did in this day and age. It has become a new trend and it’s getting worse and worse. The ultimate hunt for the ultimate girl is what most of us are after.

Some guys will claim that they need a girlfriend. Now ask yourself the following question: do you really need one to be happy?

The answer is simple: No you don’t! Don’t rely on others for YOUR happiness. This is the number one mistake that people make in their life. But why do we focus so much on relationships? Why do we prefer being unhappy in a relationship instead of being alone? Humans are not designed to be alone; there is no doubt about that. But you’ll never be alone when you got a group of good friends. I have a small group of good friends and some people outside of that group and that’s more than enough.

I’ve been single for more than two years and the only reason why it bothered me was that other people kept asking me about it. There’s a saying “good things come to those who stay positive and take their time”. I genuinely believe this.

I mean if you read my story you know that it sometimes takes a lot of time. Even now I’m still learning every day so sometimes it’s a never-ending journey but that’s okay since it’s a fun ride.µ

ZTA podcast #15: do this instead of chasing women!

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Till next time




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