
Why you’re facing regret and what to do about it

By November 9, 2017 November 24th, 2018 No Comments
Are you facing regret? Most people face it all the time. They should have done this or that. Those people are living in or even stuck in the past.

Are you facing regret? Most people face it all the time. They should have done this or that. Those people are living in the past and are never present in the moment. Those are the people who would like to go back in time and give tons of advice to their younger self. Can you guess what I would tell my younger self? Nothing! I would just grab a chair and some popcorn and laugh at all my mistakes. I didn’t end up to bad and all those actions made me who I am today.

I’m happy with who I am so why would I try to change it? That would be really dumb! Sure I faced some bad times but we all did. Some people break and others get stronger after those periods. I suggest that you try to become a better version of yourself instead of being miserable all the time.  So let’s take a look at why you’re facing regret and what to do about it off course.

The reason why you’re facing regret

It’s pretty easy to be honest. You take an action and it doesn’t work out as you imagined it. So you end up in a worse situation than before you took that certain action. Now you’re craving to the time where times were ‘better’. You just don’t realize that those times only look better because you made it even worse after the particular action. That’s it. That’s the reason why people return to past relationships, shitty jobs or even college. There are a lot of college dropouts who return just because they can’t get their life together. The sad part is that most people judge those people while they would probably do the same.

How to avoid regret

Let me share you share you some life wisdom: you won’t always take the right decision but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make the decision right. Get it? It’s all about your actions after you make a certain decision. For example work on yourself after a breakup. Make sure that you get a better job after you quit your previous one. Go all in if you do something. Don’t try something but do something! I’m a college dropout and there wasn’t a single point in time where I even considered going back. I hated it and I’m a lot happier now but that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t work on myself. It was and still is one of the best decisions that I ever took.

I really didn’t expect that it would turn out like this. But I was willing to step out of my comfort zone. It’s all about hard work. I took an action but I also made sure that it would turn out great. I wanted to prove to myself that I could turn a ‘bad situation’ into a good one.

So what did we learn?

You take an action and you don’t wait for the magic to happen. You take an action and make sure that the magic actually happens.

You’ll face failure.

You’ll face adversity.

But it’ll be worth it if you never give up and learn your lessons along the way. So Alex how do I learn the lessons along the way. Use your mind! Your mind is the most powerful supplement on earth so you better use it! Einstein was right you know. Creativity really is intelligence having fun. Be creative and you’ll find a solution for every single problem that you face!

take the bet and you’ll never face regret.

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Till next time




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