
An easy guide to a positive mindset.

By February 21, 2018 February 28th, 2020 No Comments
positive mindset
People who know me well know that I smile a lot. They never see me angry or depressed. Well not anymore if I'm completely honest. I've got a positive mindset now. Some people asked me how I do it since most people assume that adults don't smile a lot. That's just pure bullshit if you ask me.

A positive mindset and a lot of fun

People who know me well know that I smile a lot. They never see me angry or depressed. Well not anymore if I’m completely honest. I’ve got a positive mindset now. Some people asked me how I do it since most people assume that adults don’t smile a lot. That’s just pure bullshit if you ask me. There are just a lot of miserable people who can’t seem to smile at all. I don’t see a reason to be like that. I mean you can choose to be either positive or negative but most people don’t realize that. It’s all about challenging your own beliefs. Well, that and being realistic of course. Most people aren’t realistic at all. The slightest setback will turn them into complete assholes.

This might come across as a shocker but I’m not positive 100% of the time. That’ just impossible. But I can live with that imperfection. I’m no stranger to negative feelings just like most people.

Just read my post about pain, you’ll see that it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But I was able to create a positive mindset most of the time. The majority of the time to be honest.

An easy guide to a positive mindset.

It’s all in your head.

Your mind is the most powerful supplement on earth but it can be pretty destructive when you use it in the wrong way. There a point where most people don’t have problems at all and that’s when they tend to create them for no reason. They get all wind-up and sometimes even depressed by a problem which wasn’t even there or that isn’t that bad. Men who stress about going bald are a great example of this. This is covered perfectly in a book called Triggers (buy it here), the book covers how to solve it as well. There’s a reason why I went bald. I didn’t see a point in getting all sad about it.

You just need to recognize this pattern. Because thoughts will arise from time to time if you’re not present at the moment. It’s easy to pick up this pattern and then you just focus on your breathing again. You can’t be depressed and anxious when you’re present in the moment.

It’s all about perception.

You can’t always control what you think but you can choose what you do with it. So you choose to be positive or negative when this happens. This will happen more and more and eventually, there’s a set pattern. So you are the creator of your mindset, whether it’s a positive or a negative one. Besides what do you’ve got to complain about? You’re healthy, got necessities, family, and friends. People should be more grateful. That’s a key to a positive mindset. You have to be happy with what you’ve got and never complain about what you’ve don’t got! So you should focus on yourself and no one else.

Enter yin and yang

Sometimes you’ll face negative feelings out of the blue but why don’t you appreciate them from time to time. Yes, I get that they suck but you’ll be a lot happier afterward when the bad feeling goes away. It’s even better when you face pain and learn a lesson. That’s when you’ll be extremely happy.

Don’t do shit that you don’t like. You’ll never be happy.

Hate your job? Get out! You’re wasting 8 hours of your day! Forget about the paycheck. It won’t buy you happiness.

Are your friends holding you down? Find new ones!

Are you in a toxic relationship? Get out!

So many people do stuff that they don’t like. No wonder that they get suicidal! Or they perform different forms of escapism to escape this whole reality. That’s a whole recipe for disaster.

A positive mindset: Find something that doesn’t kill your time.

I’ve got 7 to 8 training sessions per week so I spend the majority of my time training or thinking about training. Blogging get’s my mind of fighting and makes sure that I’m able to relax. This is my creative outlet as you might call it. Aside from that, I tend to read a lot. So what’s the point here? Well, the point is that I don’t waste my time. I invest in it. I don’t waste my time on social media as most people do. I don’t use it that often because it kills your happiness and self- esteem.

Have you noticed how I made a clear difference between killing and investing time? Killing time leads to boredom and depression. Investing time leads to happiness.

Don’t forget to check out my book. The ones who read it liked it.

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Till next time




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